
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Review of Business Blogs

            There are so many Business Blogs on the internet nowadays.  The business bloggers are blogging about their own business experiences, tips for doing business and opinions about current business events.
            The business Blog for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners at Entrepreneurs Magazine’s website ( is a business blog that about business ideas and trends. It has multiple bloggers providing their readers business ideas and tips from start-ups  run and grow, money management, marketing, technology, franchising, and more. The blog has pictures on most of its posting. It archives the blog by most popular, and underneath that tab, has categories of shared, viewed, and video. It is a very nice blog for getting ideas, tips on doing business. I will recommend it to friends whom want to start-up a small business and don’t know how. I definitely will check it back more often for some tips. 
            The Business Blog (The Business Blog) from Ohio University‘s library’s website is interesting. It offers tips, tricks, and tools for Ohio University Business and economics researchers (Chad Boeninger). It was created and maintained by Business and Economics Subject Specialist, Chad Boeninger, at Ohio University Libraries. According to Chad Boeninger, he uses this blog to point business researchers to the best databases, sites, books, and other reference tools in order to help them with their research. Chad Boeninger indicates that, the primary audience for the blog is students and faculty of Ohio University; others not affiliated with the University may also find some of the content useful. The blog is archives by topic alphabetically. It has videos, charts, and it is easy to follow. I will recommend this blog to my fellow business major students and will check it out when I need some tips for my research projects for my business classes.


  1. What were the interesting points that Jeff Bullas listed in his blog? In his blog, were there a lot of different colors? Was the format of the blog appropriate for the topic? I noticed that when I was reading a blog about business ethics that the format and color scheme of the blog was a lot more professional than the scheme for a business blog about money. One blog was more appealing to me, the one with more color, yet I think that the other blog did a very nice job of being professional.

  2. When I go into Jeff Bullas's blog, I found there are a lot of charts showing the data. Do you think the information on the charts are reliable? Do you think having advertisement in a blog really makes a difference to the readers or not?

  3. I was overloaded with information in Jeff Bulla's blog. I could not continue to read any further with so many charts. Also the second blog by Steve Heimoff had a few hyperlinks and no visuals. The blog looked like an essay, it was not appealing. I know business blogs must look professional but a few relevant photos or videos would enhance the blog and make it more aesthetically pleasing.

  4. Thanks for sharing the info, keep up the good work going.... I really enjoyed exploring your site. good resource...
    Marketing blog

  5. Thanks for the post.. good to read. is indeed a great site, so is, for technology based entrepreneural ventures.
